Senator Bode Olajumoke Writes Open Letter To Obasanjo

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Senator Bode Olajumoke writes open letter to Ex President Olusegun Obasanjo…..stated below;

Your Greed, Selfishness, Naivete, Cowardice and Lack of Patriotism To Your Birthplace Has Made The Yorubas & Igbos A Walking Deads. Thank You.

Let me first of all quote the brave and nobly patriotic Chief Anthony Enahoro after Obasanjo came out of prison and was about to be used as puppet civilian presidet by the Hausas after they killed Chief MKO Abiola and Yoruba mandate.
“I moved the motion for the independence of Nigeria from British rule and if Obasanjo wins this presidency I will be honoured to once again move another motion for the division of Nigeria”.

The build-up to this quotation was too dire to remember. Kudirat Abiola killed by the Hausas on Lagos street, MKO Abiola locked up foreever and the whole Yoruba and Igboland beseiged by the Hausas, innocent Nigerians were dissappearing like spent toys, poverty and graduate unemployment used as collective punishment for Yorubas and Igbos while the Hausas eats bellyfull and throw away left over food. How could the Igbos forget the letter bombing and shreding into body parts of Dele Giwa and the hanging and acid melting of Ken Saro Wiwa by the Hausas.

The Hausas has always openly displayed their agenda for domination and oppression with eternal ambition to eliminate other tribes and inherit Nigeria from all boundaries.

So when Obasanjo was picked by the clever Hausas to quieten the Yorubas for the death of MKO Abiola, the Yorubas and the Igbo saw an opportunity to finally redeem themselves and stand alone as a united nation and leave the Hausas/Fulanis to rot in their god forsaked dry desert with their cows.

I was at Ake palace when Obasanjo came for the campaign for Yorubas to support his candidacy. Music was pouring out of the mouth of the most famous indegenous Egba musician Sefiu Alao like thunder and fire, calling for all Yorubas home and abroad to come home and support the soon to be “Fake” Ebora Owu. 🎼🎼 Obansanjo ti ko’re w’Egba araiye o, eni ba sakolo ko o yaa wale”.🎼🎼 Fa! fa!! faa!!! Faaoo!!!!!

Obansanjo, you openly promised to divide the country so we could go in peace to our Yoruba and Igbo tents. Ebora, you even showed our Obas the hot iron marks used to stamp your bare back as a mark of torture whilst you were in prison following the annulment. ” Unn gbesan, eje ndebe na unn gbesan Ee rapa ehin mi ni? Fuming in his typical Owu dialect whilst showing his torture marks to the Yoruba Obas whose only requests before endorcing his candidacy was nothing but to divide the country so that Yoruba and Igbos could live peacefully on their lands without Hausa/Fulani killings and dominions.

Ebora Ole (coward genie) Anthony Enahoro gave you all the supports of Igboland and promised to move the motion for the cessation of the the nation.

On getting to power Obasanjo started doing what he knows to do best. Steal more government money, steal more people’s land and continued to lick the anus of the Hausa/Fulanis who imposed him upon us and righltly so. With our pain on the assasination of the Aare Onakakanfo of Yorubaland and prime indegene of Egbaland who has always being at logerheads with Obasanjo, the only Yoruba and another Egba son that will not take revenge on them as their old time bottom leaker Obasanjo who they know does not care less if Abiola was killed in as much as he get national cake to steal.

Obasanjo, you later brought to fruition your popular saying, “I am not the president of the Yorubas but the president of Nigeria”
Obasanjo, you showed your traitor’s colour when asked by the press 2 years into your evil civilian regime, “What happened to your pledge to divide the country sir”
You shamelessly replied:- “Nigeria Will Never Be Divided On My Head” Naijirian koni tori mi pin. Mission of your puppet masters Hausa/Fulani accomplished isn’t?

But the Hausa/Fulanis knew that as the fake Ebora Owu the whole Yorubaland is looking up to, your productive time on the field of Nigeria politics will soon expire.
Now you are compleletely used, spent and expired. Now the only thing that the Hausa/Fulanis are waiting for is your final exit from the face of the earth, which according to their arithmetical calculation is less than a decade so that they can unleach their full terror on the people you are suppose to represent and defend. The Yorubas.
But when you’re finally gone, please count me out as one of your mourners, mba nefo. If your living gave me no good of what then will you demise be to me.

But you could have saved the Yorubas and Igbos without firing a single bullet, that was why Anthony Enahoro pledged the support of the entire Igboland to team up with the Yorubas to move for our independence from the cattle rearers.

Obansanjo but don’t you worry about us anymore. The cattle colony is growing bigger, thanks to Yoruba traitors and money worshippers like you.
Remenber however that a falling sky is not a single man’s predicament (Orun nwo bo ni, kii se oran enikan)
By the time every available land in Nigerian is taken over by the AK47 and the cows of the Fulanis, your Hill top mansions, your townlike estates event centre and museum in Abeokuta and all your Operation Feed The Nations Farm (OFN) turned Obansanjo Farms Nigeria (OFN) across Nigerian shall become perfect grazing land for Fulani cattles and all shall be littered with cow dungs. Then you better not raise your head or your voice for the Fulanis have promised, “such raised heads shall be chopped off like plants” and because according to the Fulanis female representative in the parliament “God created Fulanis to love their cattles more than themselves and must kill human beings to protect their cattles” you and your children better not resist the invasion of your properties by the cows because no single Yorubaman/woman will come to your aid because when you were in control of the national armoury you did not give us a single gun for self protection but you rather moved the largest military armoury in Nigeria from your hometown Abeokuta to the north during your military rule in order to sooth and calm the nerves of your Hausa/Fulani puppet master and to prove your loyalty and lack of treath to them. As if that is not enough, you myopicly and stupidly moved the capital of Nigeria from Lagos to Abuja thus stripping the Yorubas bare of strenght, power and wealth. Yorubas are never proud of you anyway.

But i know that our ancestors and our God will rise up for our defence and preservation of our land. Amen.

Lastly, it is time for all Yorubas and Igbos not to see this war as a religious war but as a battle for the souls of the Yoruba and Igbolands.
This is not a Christian or Muslim war as according to the Fulani Jihadists, it is a battle against the pagans and infidel Yoruba and Igbos.
Muslims, please dont allow yourselves to be fooled in fighting with the Hausas/Fulanis on Islamic front but we should all see it as Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba/Igbo fight.

Remenber that no Hausa/Fulani will ever allow any Yoruba/Igbo man to lead them as imam in prayers for they regard them as pagans.
Remember what they said when asked by the press about the annulment of Chief MKO Abiola’s election. “Why did the Northerners annul the election of MKO Abiola, a fellow muslim who did more than anybody else to advance the course of islam both at home and abroad?
Answer was simply in four words:- “Mumini Yoruba, Kaafiri ni” meaning A Yoruba Muslim is nothing but a pagan.
So all you Yoruba muslims pls fight with your Yoruba race and not with the muslim Hausa/Fulani because when they will come with their jihad it will be to eliminate all Yorubas who they have branded as Kaffurs no matter their religion.
How many Yoruba muslims have been butchered like dogs on their farmland? Uncountable.
A word is enough for the wise. Wise up Yoruba.

Pls read and make viral until we show Olusegun Obasanjo the fake ebora of Owu his “Failled” report card.

Balogun’s Enlightenment and Alertness Forum.abaolorun: Very true and very real. If you examine very closely his new found gimmick of third force, you’ll discover that it can only help buhari win the 2019 presidential election because it’ll divide the vote of the opposition while buhari fanatic supporters will have their bulk vote and win landslide.

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