Islamic Scholar React As Saudi Arabia Bans Prayer At Mosques    

Islamic Scholar React As Saudi Arabia Bans Prayer At Mosques

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Islamic Scholar React As Saudi Arabia Bans Prayer At Mosques

Nigerian Islamic Scholar, Abdul Hakeem Ademola Iyiola has reacted after Saudi Arabia banned prayers at mosques over the rapid spread of coronavirus.

Hours after Saudi Arabia suspended the holding of daily prayers and the weekly Friday prayers (Jum’at Services) to limit the spread of Coronavirus.

While reacting to the action, Abdul Hakeem said;

Coronavirus is a disease just like Ebola and other diseases; A devoted Muslim fears God not 🦠 virus.

Allah says;

“I am the creator of every calamities and disasters that comes upon earth and to anyone, whatever befalls you is the reward of your sins and deeds and whosoever returns to Allah in repentance and forgiveness shall be cure and healed”

Allah says;

“Returns to me in patient and praying ,surely Allah is the most merciful and omnipresent”.

Prophet Mohammed (salala Alae wasalam) said if there’s any (Tohuru) disease or virus in any Town/city ,”no one should comes out or enter the city until the diseases vanish

Umar bin katib, second Khalifa after the death of prophet (Rodiyah Allah anih) during his regime when there’s Tohuru, smallpox and leprosy.

Umar said let us all hasten towards Allah for (Tauba) Repentance and (Istigifar) Forgiveness in congregation because I was their when prophet Mohammed (salala alae wasalam) is alive and there’s disease,He commands Bilal (Rodiyah lahu anih)to call adhan and perform salah.


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None of scholars ever say or give order to Muslim not to perform prayer in congregation; both daily and jumah services because Allah said the only cure for any disaster is with me Allah alone and I do not send down any disease without cure.

How could Saudi Arabia banned mosque? All the muftis and scholars kept mute and all Muslim in the world kept mute.

Alas this is paradox of our religion these days ,how could all the mufti’s and Scholars follows any other rules except Al kitab wa sunah?

Why would Saudi Arabia banned Tawaf and ihtikaf, where did they learn or see proof, none of Salaf solihin did this or written it in fatawas, Hadith nor Sunnah.

Alas!This is ironical and it was so sad for Muslim world! Saudi Arabia that supposed to be Religious model just like before during regime of Ibn Bass, Ibn themiyah, Imam Malik and other scholars.

Saudi Arabia has now become America watch dog! Ina lilai wa ina ilae rojiuna: from Allah we came and from Him we shall return! Robbana wa ilaeka mosiuru: To Him all journey returning.

Conclusion! The best cure for any disease is to move close to Allah Subhanalahi wa Tahla for repentance and forgiveness.

The cure is not outside mosque, the only cure for whatever comes to us is with God and the best place to move close to God is His house which is Masjid;

Rosululah Salala alae wasalam said;

“Whoever perform solat zhubui in congregation (Jamho) no evil shall beseech unto him/her till night and whoever perform maghrib in congregation, No evil or any calamity will befall him/her till day break.”

Staying out of masjid mosque can not cure or limit disease.

(Al afiyah minalahi, Ashifa Mina lahu) (every cure and health comes straight from Allah alone)

Both cure and health comes straight from Allah.

Wamo qodara lahu aqo qodiri.
Whatever comes to every soul has been destiny and no one will ever escape it.

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