Justice For Destiny Sunday: The Culprits Must Face The Wrath Of The Law - Wiseloaded

Justice For Destiny Sunday: The Culprits Must Face The Wrath Of The Law

Justice For Destiny Sunday: The Culprits Must Face The Wrath Of The Law

The alleged gruesome murder of late Master Destiny Sunday by some
soldiers whose identities are yet to be known is a pointer to the callous attitude of some criminals who have infiltrated Nigerian Army and other security agencies.

The Rights and Freedom Advocates (RIFA) received the sad news of details on the circumstances culminating in the death of late Mr Destiny Sunday. The report had it that on Tuesday March 14, 2023 some soldiers besieged where late Mr Sunday Destiny was working on the invitation of the management of the place over a missing tool allegedly taken by the deceased.

The deceased was allegedly murdered by the yet to be identified soldiers who were said to have been invited by Ibeachu Ejike; the Manager of Club 183 Sports and lounge, Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos over alleged missing property at the Lounge where the deceased was a worker until the fateful day.

Our investigation revealed that late Mr Destiny graduated from Eric Moore High School, Surulere, Lagos in 2011 after which the struggle for survival led him to where he was callously eliminated by criminally-minded people. The short video of how he was being tied and beaten streamed live by a colleague at the work place eventually led the recorder to taste another round of hell leading to the phone being used for recording damaged beyond repair apart from bruise and injuries suffered in his body.

The short video was the extent of what
was broadcast live before the recorder was discovered and immediately brutalized by same murderous elements. The second video showed how the recorder also tasted death partially.

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These brutal attacks on the duo of late Destiny and his colleague at work by the management of Club 183 Sports and lounge, Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos is not only against the Anti-Torture Act, 2017 but also inhumane, barbaric, condemnable and heinous. Therefore, the culprits must be identified, prosecuted and not be allowed to be swept under the carpet.

The effort of Police in Lagos State is commendable so far but the Police hierarchy needs to take over the case due to repugnant news coming from Panti that the owner of the bar where Destiny was killed has been influencing the Police to release him and his manager at any cost he was ready to pay.

On this, RIFA call on good citizens to rise in defence of the deceased so that the victim of human cruelty won’t die in vain. Regardless of what the deceased offence might have been, jungle justice remains criminal act and so the perpetrators must be treated as criminals for taking a soul unjustly and brutalizing another with impunity.

Besides, reports had it that the deceased’s
family members are also being threatened to forget the case ditto to his colleague who briefly recorded the horrendous act.

It should be noted that Anti-Torture Act, 2017 provides in Section 1 that “The Government shall- (a) ensure that rights of all persons; including suspects, detainees, and prisoners are respected at all times and that no person placed under investigation or held in custody of any person in authority shall be subjected to physical harm, force, violence, threat or intimidation or any act that impair his free will”.

Similarly, section 3 of the Acts provides— (1) No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war.Internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification for torture…” Therefore, there is no justification whatsoever for the horrific killing of Destiny by wicked people.

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On this, the good Nigerians and authorities should expedite actions at identifying the immediate and remote killers of Destiny, prosecute the alleged murderers of the deceased so that his parents won’t lose on two sides; missing a son and getting no justice.

Similarly, adequate security should be provided to the families of the deceased and those supporting the cause for justice. RIFA hereby call on the Lagos State Government, the Nigeria Police and the Nigerian Army to take necessary steps to ensure justice is served in this case by identifying the killers and prosecute them accordingly.

Also, should anything happen to those demanding justice for Destiny, the
management of Club 183 Sports and lounge and the yet to be identified
soldiers should be held responsible.

Luqman Soliu
Rights and Freedom Advocates (RIFA)



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