Renowned artist Teniola Apata, better known as Teni, shared an intriguing revelation about her grasp of the Yoruba language. Despite being of Yoruba descent, the 31-year-old songstress confessed to acquiring fluency in Yoruba through unconventional means while residing in the United States.
In a recent installment of the Zero Conditions podcast, Teni candidly discussed her language acquisition journey. “You won’t believe how I picked up Yoruba,” she remarked. “It all happened during my time in America. I immersed myself in Yoruba movies on YouTube, and that’s how I learned.”
In addition to her linguistic journey, Teni unveiled a newer aspect of her lifestyle. She disclosed that in 2021, she embraced drinking alcohol, a departure from her previous abstinence from both alcohol and smoking.
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Clarifying her choice, Teni mentioned that her decision to indulge in alcohol was purely recreational, emphasizing that it was a choice she made for amusement.
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