Account Of Stewardship On The Representation Of Oyo Central Senatorial District

Account Of Stewardship On The Representation Of Oyo Central Senatorial District Saddled On Me – Prince Adeyemi MNYP Fourth Session


Account Of Stewardship On The Representation Of Oyo Central Senatorial District


The Nigerian Youth Parliament, NYP a NON-STIPENDARY and recognized youth body working in the area of legislature under the tutelage of the National Assembly and funded by the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development is shouldered with the responsibility of training youth on legislative activities and leadership in general.

The NYP was established by late President Umaru Musa Yaradua in 2008 in accordance with the directive of Commonwealth to create a platform for young people to get acquainted with governance.

Since its inception, the Parliament has produced members in the House of Representatives, State House of Assemblies, Chairperson of Commonwealth Youth Council, Leaders of Political Party amongst others; The likes of Rt. Hon Luke Onofiok, Hon Ahmed Adamu, Rt. Hon Abdullahi Maibasira respectively. The Composition of the NYP is structured after the Nigerian Senate.

The Fourth assembly was inaugurated by President Muhammadu Buhari on the 28th day of May 2019 where the representation of Energetic and Well Cultured Youths of Oyo Central (The Largest Senatorial District in Oyo State) was bestowed on me.

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The 4 days youth summit which started with a medical outreach on the 9th June, 2021 at Olomi Community Market, Oluyole Local Government Area, where over 150 market women and men were attended to in sugar test,blood test, urine test, etc.

The second phase of the medical outreach continue the second day of the Summit at Akanran health center where 15 hernia surgery was successful done free of charge. Thereafter, had the inter secondary school spelling bee competition where U.I International came first and the panel discussion.

At the third day of the Summit, we had the inter-local Government football competition where Akinyele local government came first, and thereafter had a vocational training session where participants were thought make-over, auto gele, tie and die, cinematography and photography.

The beauty pageant, award and dinner night came the fourth day.


There are four operative sessions at the NYP namely:

1) National Sittings: This is where the 109 members will come together to present bills and motions that has to do with the youth.

2) International Representation: We represent Nigerian Youth across the globe.

3) Internship program: This is where a youth Senator will serve a period of three months with an elected Senator for practical knowledge of the legislative procedure and practices.

4) Constituency Interaction and Programs: This is where a youth Senator interacts with constituents and organise programs within the constituency.


In my representative capacity, I was privileged with the support of my constituents and Distinguished colleagues to contribute my quota to development and sustainability of Youth Friendly Policies locally and Nationally, part of wish include:

• Motion to Introduce Reproductive Health Education and Services in Primary Health Centers and Youth Centers as a means to reducing High Prevalence Rate of Teenage Pregnancy.

• Motion to Declare a State of Emergency on Education in Nigeria

• Motion to Create a Youth Investment Fund (which saw the light of the day and the President approved with the sum of 75bn for proper disbursement)

• Agitations for a reformation in our Policing System via joining other well meaning Youths to demand an end to SARS oppression and brutality.

• Dialogues with NPF on insecurity challenges facing our country.

Dialogues with relevant Governmental Agencies to empower and create employment opportunities for young people.

Participated in Public Hearing of Constitutional Review organized by the Senate.

• Organized Youth Town-Hall meeting in my immediate Constituency (a first of its kind in recent times).

• Facilitating employment and empowerment opportunities for youths/ constituents.

• Good representation at the floor of the house and during oversight functions.

• Organised Four (4) days Youth Summit which comprises of youth across the state.

Despite the Lockdown and seizure of activities caused by the Pandemic, which wasted more than 10months, the few aforementioned amongst others were achieved individually and collectively as a Parliament over the span of two years.


It is highly pertinent to register my arrays of appreciation to ever gallant and supportive Youths of my Senatorial District for believing in my capacity to represent you at the hallowed chamber.

I can not but appreciate the relentless efforts of my colleagues who despite individual differences, language barriers, ethnic disparity, isolate these factors but unanimously contributed our quota to Nation Building.

Thank you Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development under the watch of our dear Chief (Dr) Sunday Dare, National Assembly Staffs,Dr Sanni Abdulahi, the clerk Mr Ibrahim Hassan for their efforts.

I want to appreciate my predecessors Prince Adetayo Abimbola and Aremo Adekunle Joshua Walter for the requisite trainings I have acquired overtime in the cause of Youth and Students activism. Thank you for the impart sirs. To all Leaders, Cadres and ideological Followers, I appreciate your support so far and the ones to come.

I am indebted to my Altruistic and Selfless Leaders Hon. KTJ Kunle Olatunji, Hon Olusunbo Olugbemi, Hon Abass Aleshinloye, Hon Afeez Bolaji Repete, Hon Kehinde Olaosebikan etc who took interest in me, recommended and stood by me in all my pursuits so far.

The suitable words to describe your unflinching love have failed me right now. I just want to say a big thank you sirs. Posterity will be unfair to me if I don’t mention Hon. Yinka Adeyemi (My brother and role model), Mr Bowale Banjoko, Mr Tosin for their constant support financially,morally and by recommendations. Thank you sirs.

I want to specially appreciate the moral, spiritual and even financial support I enjoyed from my Parents (most especially my Mummy, Chief Mrs Titilayo Adeyemi), Siblings and friends (Dr Tunmise Adeagbo, Adepoju Aliu, Comrade Gbadamosi, Seyi Olayiwola, Babalola Francis, Ogundana Patrick, Adebisi Akinkunmi etc).

Your support can not be quantified. You are the best I have known and will continue to know. To my spiritual fathers and mothers, thank you for your prayers always.

Finally, I pay my utmost obeisance to God almighty, the Absolute being and moulder of this Cosmos. YOU ARE SO GREAT.

As I look forward to journey through the next responsibility, I assure you all that I will never betray the trust and hope you have in me in agitating for a fair and just society.

Permit me to end this note with Julius Caesar’s word “Veni Vidi Vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered)

Oyo Central Senatorial District
4th Session NYP.

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