To get the Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert certificate, you need to pass two exams, and Microsoft AZ-304 is the second one that you should deal with. This expert-level path validates the skills of the Solutions Architects and proves that they know how to perform the design and implementation of the solutions on Microsoft Azure.
If you want to clear the qualification test with a high score and get certified, you need to know everything about it and be ready for the exam. Therefore, let’s look at all the important details that you should know about AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design.
Exam prerequisites
The very first thing that you have to understand is that you should go for the AZ-304 test after clearing Microsoft AZ-303. Thus, you will have the required background to absorb the skills that you will be provided during the preparation for the second exam. The successful completion of the first test will also mean that you have the necessary level of skills, knowledge, and advanced experience in performing the IT operations.
Exam details
Microsoft AZ-304 is an expert-level certification exam, which includes 40-60 questions of various types. They can be presented in multiple choice, hot area, build list, case studies, drag and drop, and so on. You will be given 100 minutes to answer all the questions and score more than 700 points.
If you get less than 700, you will need to retake the test to become eligible for the certificate. It is available in Korean, English, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese and can be taken online or at one of the centers. To register, you should have a Microsoft account and make a payment of $165.
Preparation options
To help you prepare for this test, Microsoft offers both free and paid training options. Thus, you can go for the online learning paths and gain new skills module by module. Each path gives you XP rewards to motivate you to learn more and can be taken at any time for free.
As for the paid resources, you can purchase access to the official practice test and check if you are ready for the actual exam. Besides that, there is the training course led by an instructor that you can take to study with the help of a certified expert. You can enroll for the virtual course via the partner platforms by choosing the needed link from the Microsoft website.
Getting familiar with the exam details is the first step that a potential candidate should perform to be able to proceed with the certification process. That is why it is important to visit the official webpage of the test and explore all the details. It helps you understand what to expect from the testing process, which plan to develop, and what to begin with your preparation. If you know which topics are covered in the exam or what to do in case you don’t get the passing score, you will be able to protect yourself from a possible failure.