There Is Nothing Like First Fruits, When It Concerns Your Earnings” – Pastor Abel Damina

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During a question and answer session at Power City international church, the senior pastor Dr. Abel Damina explained more on first fruit.

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He told his members that they should not give their pastors money in the name of first fruit, that first fruit as nothing to do with money.

The question ;

“can you graciously give me a detailed teaching and application of first fruit regarding one’s earnings?”

In his word;

 “There is nothing like first fruit when it concerns your earnings. If anybody is teaching you that, he is just trying to eat your money. First fruit in the Bible is a communication language that Christ is our first fruit. His resurrection is what is known as first fruit in the Bible.

“If someone gets born again in the church, it is part of the first fruit. Therefore, first fruit has nothing to do with money. Don’t give anybody your money in the name of first fruit. However, if you believe in a ministry and you want to bless them, you can give to support that ministry as a responsible child of God”.

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