Right Said Fred – Stand Up (For The Champions) [Audio+Lyrics+Video]

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Right Said Fred - Stand Up (For The Champions) artwork

Right Said Fred – Stand Up (For The Champions) Mp3 download, lyrics and video. 


Stand Up For The Champions by Right Said Fred band is ready and available for free download in mp3 format below alongside official music video and full lyrics.

However, don’t hesitate to share this evergreen song, Stand Up For The Champions by Right Said Fred on social media platforms for others to enjoy as well.

ALSO SEE: Jonas Brothers – I Need You Christmas




Watch Video Below



I was built to be the best
Number one and nothing less
Leave me to my destiny
I have waited patiently
I have vision’ oh i believe
I know I can count on me
So stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up
Here we go it’s getting close
Now it’s just who wants it most
It’s just life that’s how it is
Cause we have our strength and weaknesses
Oh i have vision’ oh can’t you see
I’m on the move make way for me
So stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up
And when i fall down
I have to pick myself back up
And when i fall down
I have to pick myself back up
And when i fall down
I have to pick myself back up
And when i fall down
I have to pick myself back up
So stand up stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
stand up
Right Said Fred Stand Up For The Champions Mp3 Download, lyrics & Video

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