Portable Blast Kogbagidi For Denying him

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Popular Singer, Portable has tongue lash Kogbagidi and using unprintable words for him for denying him in a video going viral.

This happened after Kogbagidi was seen in a video where on of his crew hail him as portable manager.

Kogbagidi reply to this word negatively saying he rebuke and reject which doesn’t sit well with portable.

He drag this his ex managerd for denying and rebuking him on his IG live with Zlatan.

READ ALSO: “I Am Not Portable’s Manager, I Reject And Rebuke It”.

Portable took to his IG account to drag Kogbagidi for the second time saying   god of thunder (Ogun) will visit Kogbagidi.

He made mention how how he help kogbagidi countless of time, how he bought fuel in his Benz and even helped Kogbagidi live his fake life.

Portable use the medium to stay away from him, his life and business.




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