Download Football Video: Aston Villa vs Arsenal 1-0 Highlights #ASTARS .
Aston Villa 1 vs 0 Arsenal Highlights Download: Premier League Results – February 2021.
Gunners suffered another defeat again as they continue with their poor performances.
See what Ollie Watkins have to say after today’s game:
“It’s a big result. We’ve played some good stuff but we haven’t got the results we wanted at home, so delighted with that today. It was hard, we grinded it out. A bit of confusion at the back for them. I’ve hit it with my left foot, I think it’s come off their defender and gone in, but I’ll take that! We were a bit off it against West Ham and they punished it. We needed a big reaction and we showed it. We will just focus on the next game, as cliched as it sounds, because Europe is a long way away. Hopefully we’ll see where we are at the end of the season.”
The Squads
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