An Open Letter To Governor Ajimobi - Soliu Luqman - Wiseloaded    

An Open Letter To Governor Ajimobi – Soliu Luqman

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Mr. Soliu Luqman, former National Assistant General Secretary (2003-2006) federation of Oyo State Students’ Union (FOSSU) wrote an open letter to Governor Abiola Ajimobi, Executive Governor of Oyo State…stated below;

Dear Sir,


I have observed passionately that some elements among us have been promoting their age-long hatred against some people they consider should perpetually remain underdeveloped. These people hide their real ulterior motive but presented mischievous points to support their anti-ranching stance in Oyo State. One of those points being presented by those elements is that the ranching territory is being promoted by a Fulani President because he is their Life patron but they fail to tell us why the President is held responsible for the security affairs of the nation despite being a Fulani. So, if the President is responsible for the whole nation why should he not be interested in the peace of the whole country which the ranching policy is intended to guarantee to ensure the movement of herdsmen is restricted. Two, they opine that the Oyo State indigenes say no but I don’t know how the vainglorious people would speak for the genuine patriots of Oyo state who wholeheartedly welcome the idea.

When were they appointed as spokesperson of Oyo State people and who appointed them? Some of the faceless authors are not even indigenes of Oyo State but are passionate to promote the agenda of their paymasters who see the prospect of a flourishing Oke-Ogun in the nearest future as against their evil agenda. Their fear is that the proposed ranching may be sited in oke-Ogun which they never want to develop. So, if the ranching is established in Oke-Ogun they fear relevant industries may switch to Oke-Ogun leaving their main area. By going to Oke-Ogun, the people would gain more employment, there would be more peace between the inhabitants of the area as there would be no more clash between the herdsmen and the farmers and which they don’t want to hear because they make more money with poisonous news to the market than having peaceful society. In their own ideologies, selling bad news everyday is their joy and so won’t be happy seeing the clash in the area subside.

Besides, they rely on lies their colleagues on social media originated and promoted under false identity to justify their pseudo-fear. They label Fulani terrorists but they are worst terrorists than the so-called Fulani as they never want freedom for their fellow human beings. They only want to subjugate the interest of others. If not, why would movement restriction of Fulani and their cattle constitute headache to some of them? Fulani like other Nigerians are entitled to live in any part of Nigeria as stated in the 1999 Constitution of the FRN section 41. (1) Every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof, and no citizen of Nigeria shall be expelled from Nigeria or refused entry thereby or exit therefrom. When the ranching eventually takes off, surely the host community economic activities would be boosted while the government internally generated revenue from fees collected from the herdsmen, the drivers, traders and other stakeholders would also be boosted. This they consider agrarian community too local to enjoy and so want to mislead unsuspecting citizens against good policies. Did you know what they would have said against the President had he decided to site the ranching in the north alone? They would have accused him of trying to develop the north alone and not the south.

Second on their misleading points is that the President is using state resources to finance private business of cattle farmers but they forget to tell us why government has for years spend on fertilizers for farmers. Is farming on which government invest heavily to subsidize fertilizers not private business? Besides, you look for government soft loan with lower interest usually from SMEDAN, is that your private investment for government? If importation which stifles our economy is your joy, then a good administrator won’t buy into that but find way of enhancing local production to facilitate improved employment and reliance for his citizens.

On the excuse that the President is doing so because he is the Patron of the Miyeti Allah cattle group but why didn’t they connect it to Goodluck Jonathan who was in the past decorated as the Miyeti Allah life Patron? If not a stranger who does not understand the Yoruba setting, has there been any society without a Fulani leader or Igbo leader? So, I am amused when someone said if ranching is allowed, there would be Emir for the Fulani who will take their land. So, for years there have not been Seriki Fulani abi? Or the Yoruba land has seized being Yoruba land? When will my people start thinking like real elites? The worst are elites who share just anything that is anti-Fulani without thinking deeply on what they share.
On the excuse that the Yoruba are never cattle rearers, some people won’t stop their ignorance in public.

How much do they know in Yoruba history? In fact, my people in Oke-Ogun area of Oyo state will tell you they rear cattle well. So, let those who know not learn from the informed people and stop their demonic agenda. On the national assembly being likely instrument to achieve the national ranching success, we know those who threaten to oppose them that when it is time for such, they would be the first to be insulting those protesting that they are not enlightened or they would have run to foreign land for fear of attack when they were even the ones setting Nigerians against one another for their devilish agenda. On the final note, I say to good Nigerians with peaceful conscience that for us to enjoy lasting peace in our society, the earlier we support the call for restriction of movement of livestock the better for us to enjoy serene environment. Please do not fall for the antics of those people who rejoice in their selfish interest of getting negative news to malign their perceived enemies and rake in thousands if not Millions of naira from weapons of war.

Please, all true Nigerians should embrace the ranching practice so that we can have everlasting peace and improved economic activities and make sellers of bad news in perpetual sober reflection. Enough of bloodshed and misleading information in the land!!!!

Soliu, Luqman
Igboho, Oyo State

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